Microsoft Makes Technology More Affordable with Windows MultiPoint Server 2011

Today Microsoft introduced Windows MultiPoint Server 201, a new operating system aimed at educational institutions that allows schools to run multiple Windows instances from one computer. The new OS enables educational institutions to implement Shared Resource Computing (SRC) which would help schools with ever decreasing budgets.

windows-multipoint-server.pngThe system works by allowing users to run multiple instances of Windows from one computer, hence Shared Resource Computing. Each user would have their own mouse and keyboard along with a personalized Windows 7 instance running from one computer, so instead of purchasing 10 computers and a server for 10 users, you would only need to purchase one server, one computer, and 10 monitors with mice and keyboards of course. This could result in substantial savings for educational institutions in two fronts, the first is the upfront cost of new hardware and setup, the second would be savings from having a reduced IT staff that serves a couple of servers and computers instead of hundreds of computers.

To learn more about Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 and read how Bellevue School District saved $135,000 in one elementary school visit