Make Video Conference Calls with Fring’s Latest App


Fring, the App that brought video conferencing available on the iPhone just about year ago has set out to make their app even better. The latest beta of Fring now supports group video calling, with up to four friends simultaneously. Right now the beta is very limited and the only way to get into the beta is to apply here and submit your information and that of three friends. Right now the beta is available for both iPhone and Android phones, but currently there are only slots open for the Android platform.

Check out the video below to see the four-way mobile video conferencing in action:

Fring currently allows you to make a video call to anyone, have a live chat over popular chat networks, call anyone in the world for free or even call a landline for as little as 1 cent a minute all right inside the app. Fring is trying to get one step ahead of other major companies like Skype by trying to beat them at their own games. I doubt Fring will make a large impact on Skype, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.